Department Grants
Department Grants
Grants for service area support
Information Technology
Lib Tech Fund Grants
Allocated during the state legislative session, Georgia Public Library Service is eligible for funding for the improvement and upgrade of public access computers and technology infrastructure in Georgia public libraries through a state bond process. Requested equipment must have a five-year shelf life that is for public use only.
Youth Services
Prime Time, a unique six-week humanities-based program, is designed specifically for under-served families with children ages 6-10 years old. The program is intended to help economically and educationally vulnerable families bond around the act of reading and talking about books. It models and encourages family reading and discussion of humanities topics, while aiding parents and children in selecting books and becoming active public library users. Families take part in a meal at each week's session and also receive a full set of books to take home to start their own family library.