Available Grants
Carnegie Grants: Libraries as Pillars of Education and Democracy from the Carnegie Corporation
**NEW** Carnegie Corporation: Carnegie Grants - Libraries as Pillars of Education and Democracy - Eligibility Survey Concludes January 10, 2025
Organization for Autism Research: Peer Education Grant - Due January 13, 2025
NEA and Arts Midwest Inc: NEA Big Read - Due January 30, 2025
ALA: Peggy Barber Tribute Grant - Due February 3, 2025
RUSA: ETS Best Emerging Technology Application Award - Due Feb 21, 2025
ALA's Games and Gaming Roundtable: Game On! Grant - Due March 10, 2025
The Pilcrow Foundation: Children's Book Project Program Grant - Due April 1, 2025
National Endowment for the Humanities: Chair's Disaster Recovery Grants for Humanities Collections - Applications accepted on a rolling basis through April 25, 2025
T-Mobile: T-Mobile Hometown Grants - Quarterly Deadlines
The Pilcrow Foundation: Disaster Relief Grant - Ongoing
The Beacon Society Jan Stauber-Sherlock Holmes Literacy Grant
Georgia-Pacific (GP) Foundation 4 E's Grant
Georgia Writers Inc: Literary Event Grants of Georgia (LEGG) - the application submissions are ongoing but must be submitted at least eight weeks before the proposed event.
Jackson EMC Foundation Education and Literacy Programs Support Grants
Library of Congress Surplus Books Program (In-Kind Donations)
NSF Smart and Connected Communities Grant (program ends April 1, 2024)
The Pilcrow Foundation: Disaster Relief Grant - Ongoing
Poets & Writers Virtual Readings & Workshops Grants (at least 8 weeks before event)
Target Foundation: Target GiftCard Donations - Ongoing
Wells Fargo Georgia Grants (grant cycle re-opens February 2024)
Nonprofit Grants
*available to nonprofit / 501(c)(3) organizations
The following are grant opportunities that might apply to Friends of Libraries groups.
Google: Google Ad Grants
Google for Nonprofits: YouTube Nonprofit Program