Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) was recently awarded funding under the Governor’s Emergency Education Relief Fund from federal CARES Act funding for device replacement due to increase of use during the pandemic. Targeted devices include Chromebooks, hotspots, and launchpads. All 60 library systems will have the opportunity to receive new devices to deploy for continued pandemic recovery.
Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) dedicated part of the awarded federal American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding to fund a variety of technology and library services projects that support the expanding needs of our public libraries during the pandemic. Projects included eBooks, digital inclusion, and technology.
Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) dedicated part of the recently awarded federal CARES Act funding, along with state and private grant funding, to fund a variety of technology projects that support the connectivity needs of our public libraries during the pandemic. Projects included G Suite migrations, Chromebook lending, tech innovations, Wi-Fi expansions, and broadband infrastructure.
During the annual legislative session, the Georgia General Assembly may award Georgia Public Library Service (GPLS) funding for the improvement and upgrade of public access computers and technology infrastructure in Georgia public libraries through a state bond process. If awarded, GPLS administers the funds and assists public libraries with the grant process from allocation to reimbursement.